Saturday, April 4, 2009

Want to be a Great Leader?

After President Obama's speech to Congress a few weeks ago, my best friend commented that Obama's influence and leadership can be acredited to his great oratory skills. While I think that it's the ideals behind the words that resonate more to the people, I agree that he is an exceptionally charismatic speaker.

This afternoon, I read a book that mentions the three important characteristics of a great leader. (Come to think of it, Obama DOES emulate these three defining qualities!)

*Do YOU possess these traits?*

1. Competence- You should have adequate information, extensive experience and proper skills in your particular field to be seen as a leader. You should be able to impart knowledge and stimulate intellectual growth within your Team. You want to be a credible source of information and be respected for the quality work you produce.

2. Clarity- It's important to have a clear VISION of where you are going. You should have definite goals, with a keen ability to forsee trends, yet know how to roll with the punches. A good leader is flexible and open to change.

3. Communication- Most importantly, to be a great leader, you must be an effective communicator. You must be articulate in sharing information and expressing your ideas. Great leaders are eloquent speakers- with the ability to inspire, motivate and influence with their words.

Unfortunately, many intelligent people (like mad geniuses) are unable to express themselves well. There lies the difference between a merely intelligent man versus a great leader.

But it's never too late to improve your communications skills. Start by striking up random conversations with new people; learn to lead a conversation within small groups in social events; and progress to confidently presenting in front of dozens of people at work.

Competence, Clarity and good Communication are three essential traits for leaders to have. The first two, I would say, are more innate- while the third one can be developed and honed. So go out there and practice, you too can become a powerful speaker.. and the next leader of the free world.

(The book I read was The Articulate Executive by Granville Toogood- yes, that's a REAL name!)

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